Foods that Stain Braces and your Teeth

Blueberries, blackberries & raspberries will stain your teeth & braces & are best avoided while wearing braces.

Food that Stain - especially Ceramic Braces

Certain foods that are rich in colour can cause clear braces or ceramic braces to stain and look unsightly. Once they are stained, it can be expensive and certainly inconvenient to replace the stained components. These foods can also cause elastic bands (if you have them) to stain too. This is not a huge problem as the bands are easier to replace, but it could cause them to look unsightly even if temporarily.

Brushing your Afterwards Helps

If you eat strongly coloured food, you will need to clean your teeth thoroughly immediately afterwards. However, even in doing so, you may find that some level of staining has already occurred.

Avoiding Foods that Stain is Easy 

If you are concerned about staining and want to avoid this, then it is recommended that you avoid foods with strong colours such as blueberries, beetroot, anything containing turmeric such as yellow based curries, coffee, black tea, red wine, deeply coloured spices such as paprika and foods that have a thick and deeply coloured tomato- based sauce.

As a rule of thumb, if a food can stain a white shirt, it will probably stain your teeth.

Typical Foods that can Stain Braces and Teeth and are best Avoided

×        Berries – Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries

×        Yellow Curries

×        Beetroot

×        Black Coffee, tea (weak or herbal tea is ok), red wine

×        Rich tomato-based sauces

×        Strongly pigmented spices such as turmeric and paprika

Learn the other types of foods to avoid when you have braces here

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